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Dr. Ann Hedrick

Picture of Ann

Position Title
Professor Emeritus

  • NPB


1987 PhD (Zoology) University of California, Davis
1984 MS (Zoology) University of California, Davis
1977 BA (Biology) University of Virginia

Research Interests

My research program focuses on the evolution of behavior, particularly the evolution of mating behavior, antipredator behavior, and boldness. I am especially interested in the interplay between sexual selection and natural selection. My research falls into four general areas of inquiry: (1) Studies of individual variation in mating preferences, (2) Investigating links between mating behavior and anti-predator behavior, (3) Measuring correlations between different behavioral traits, and (4)Studies of animal personality. For this work, I am using the field cricket, Gryllus integer. In this species, males call to attract females using a rapid trill, and females generally prefer males with longer durations of uninterrupted trilling to those with shorter durations. Call duration is a heritable trait. I am now investigating causes for differences in mating selectivity among females, mating behavior and anti-predator behavior in populations that differ in predation, correlations among functionally different behavioral traits ("behavioral syndromes"), and animal personalities. My work has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Academy of Finland.


Mate choice and sexual selection; antipredator behavior; genetic basis for individual differences in behavior; correlations among functionally different behavioral traits; animal personality.

Department and Center Affiliations

Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior


Animal Behavior Society
International Society for Behavioral Ecology

CBS Grad Group Affiliations

Animal Behavior

Specialties / Focus

Animal Behavior
  • Behavior Ecology and Sociobiology


Hedrick Laboratory
  • Ann Hedrick, P.I., Jamie Bunting, Nicholas diRienzo

Field Sites

California, Arizona

Teaching Interests

Animal behavior.


NPB 90C Current Topics in Animal Behavior
NPB 159 Frontiers in Animal Behavior
