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Dr. Gabrielle Nevitt

Picture of gabrielle

Position Title

  • NPB
Green Hall Rm. 1131


1990    PhD    (Zoology)    University of Washington
1983    BS    (Biology)    Stanford University
1983    MS    (Biology)    Stanford University

Research Interests


Sensory ecology, Olfaction, Organism/Environment interactions, Conservation and Enrichment


A major focus of my laboratory is to better understand the sensory ecology of other organisms, and how these systems are shaped by evolution. My specialty is olfaction - the sense of smell - and much of my research has focused on exploring how marine birds and fishes use smell in the natural environment. I have worked in areas ranging from olfactory homing in salmon, to olfactory foraging, navigation and individual recognition in birds, and in particular, petrels and albatrosses. Because our world is experiencing rapid, anthropogenic change, our work increasingly interfaces with problems associated with global climate, habitat loss or degradation and by-catch concerns in marine fisheries. Many of the species we study are currently threatened or endangered. In line with this concern, we also conduct research on the proximate and evolutionary factors contributing to phenotypic plasticity, and this work has been carried out primarily with model fish species (various species of desert pupfish and salmon).

Department and Center Affiliations

Bodega Marine Laboratory

Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior

Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture (CABA)



Association for Chemorecption Sciences (ACHEMS)

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

CBS Grad Group Affiliations

Animal Behavior

Specialties / Focus

Animal Behavior

  • Behavior/Physiology/Morphology
  • Physiology and Behavior

Graduate Groups not Housed in CBS

Ecology Graduate Group

Field Sites

French sub-Antarctic

Bon Portage Island, CANADA

Curaçao, Netherlands, Antilles

Teaching Interests

Sensory ecology, Olfaction, Organism/Environment interactions, Conservation



NPB 102 Mechanisms of Animal Behavior (Spring)

ANB 201 Grant writing / Advanced Methods in Behavior (Spring)
