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University News

Karen Zito Elected as a 2021 AAAS Fellow

Nine faculty from UC Davis are among 564 newly elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, announced today (Jan. 26). AAAS fellows are scientists, engineers and innovators who have been recognized for their achievements across disciplines ranging from research, teaching and technology, to administration in academia, industry and government, to excellence in communicating and interpreting science to the public.

A Life of Movement: Remembering Professor Emeritus Edmund Bernauer

The University of California flag was flown at half-staff at the Memorial Union, Mark Hall and the UC Davis Airport recently to honor the memory of Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Edmund Bernauer. Born on Sept. 27, 1926, Bernauer passed away on Aug. 12, 2021, at the age of 94. 

NPB Major Madeline Bright Awarded University Medal

by Julia Ann Easley


Questions Drive Top UC Davis Graduate Will Pursue Career in Medical Research


When Madeline Bright was young, she was told she asked a lot of questions.

Today that same curiosity is leading her toward a career in medical research where she hopes to find life-saving answers.

Developing Next-Gen Neuroscientists: EEOP Receives $1.2 Million to Advance Diversity in Research

Quick Summary
  • Educational Enrichment and Outreach Programs will launch the Advancing Diversity in Neuroscience Research Program this fall
  • Aimed at undergraduates, the program introduces students to a breadth of neuroscience research
  • Students involved in the program will attend weekly seminars and hold an undergraduate research position in a lab on campus

Consciousness, perception, memory, behavior.

Professor Mark Goldman Appointed to the Joel Keizer Endowed Chair in Theoretical and Computational Biology

Quick Summary
  • To figure out the labyrinthine-like puzzle of the brain, scientists need computational and quantitative biology skills
  • Professor Mark Goldman applies the quantitative skills he learned as a physicist to questions in neuroscience
  • Named to the Keizer Chair, Goldman will continue to make UC Davis a home for quantitative biology by ushering in a new quantitative biology major

Our brains are incredible biological machines synthesizing uncountable, chaotic, sen

Exploring Vision, Perception and Behavior: W. Martin Usrey Named Barbara A. Horwitz and John M. Horowitz Endowed Chair in Physiology

Quick Summary
  • The Barbara A. Horwitz and John M. Horowitz Endowed Chair in Physiology was created in 2004
  • Usrey will hold the appointment for five years
  • The endowment will support his research in visual perception, teaching and service activities

Amblyopia, or reduced vision from one eye, affects approximately two to three of every 100 children, according to the National Eye Institute. Today the disability is

Advancing Diabetes Research: Mark Huising Receives Faculty Research Award

Quick Summary
  • Diabetes is a disease that affects 30 million people and is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S.
  • Huising is honored for discovery of a new insulin-producing cell
  • The finding could lead to new therapies for diabetes treatment

Science is about advancing knowledge, work that requires dedication and tenacity. Another component is a keen and critical eye, as discovery is predicated on

College of Biological Sciences Welcomes Eight New Faculty for 2018-2019 Year

For the 2018-2019 academic year, we are proud to welcome eight new members to the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences faculty. Below you’ll learn more about the research interests of each faculty member, what brought them to UC Davis and more.

  Rachael Bay

Rachael Bay joins the Department of Evolution and Ecology as an assistant professor. She was a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow at UCLA, where

Ann Hedrick Elected as a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society

Ann was elected by the Animal Behavior Executive Committee as a fellow. Fellows are members who have engaged in research in animal behavior for at least ten years and who in the opinion of the elected officers and current Fellows of the society have made distinguished contributions to the field.

Taylor Follansbee wins Hermann Handwerker prize

Congratulations to Taylor Follansbee, who received the Hermann Handwerker prize at the 9th World Congress on Itch, held in Wroclaw, Poland October 15-17, 2017. The Hermann Handwerker prize, named after a famous itch researcher, is awarded to a junior researcher who is judged to give the best scientific presentation at the biennial World Congress on Itch. The title of Taylor's presentation was: "Effects of itch and pain stimuli on rostral ventromedial medullary ON and OFF cells". The prize comes with a monetary award of $3,000.

Dr. Aldrin Gomes selected as Chancellor’s Fellow

How can we better understand cardiovascular diseases? Gomes’ research studies the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction and how biological pathways within cells control the degradation of proteins. “Dr. Gomes is an ideal recipient of this recognition; he is an outstanding colleague, teacher and researcher,” said W. Martin Usrey, neurobiology, physiology and behavior department chair.