A Distinguished Legacy: Recognizing Barbara Horwitz
Surprise celebration for Distinguished Professor Emerita features career highlights from colleagues
In the first part of the UC Davis Emeriti spring celebration, one of the most distinguished professors of the UC Davis emeriti family, Barbara A. Horwitz, was honored for more than five decades of service as a Professor of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior within the College of Biological Sciences.
Kept secret until the day of the event because she dislikes the spotlight, the surprise homage included anecdotes from various colleagues, including Chancellor Gary May.
Distinguished Professor Walter Leal started the quarterly New Emeriti Distinguished Lectures series to celebrate the accomplishments of the faculty who retired in 2021-22. In December of 2022, the first event in the series featured Harris Lewin, of the Department of Evolution and Ecology. The winter quarter featured Geerat Vermeij of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sharon Strauss, also of the Department of Evolution and Ecology, closed out the year’s series in the spring with a lecture on species diversity in natural communities at the UCD. Lewin, Vermeij and Strauss are all emeriti Distinguished Professors.