Fumika Hamada Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on the molecular and neural mechanisms of circadian rhythms, sleep, and temperature homeostasis. (530) 754-1782 fnhamada@ucdavis.edu Lab website 280A Briggs Hall
Karen Bales Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Psychology Research focuses on the neurobiology of social behavior and bonding in mammals and fish. 530-754-5890 klbales@ucdavis.edu 1129 Green Hall
Stacey A. Combes Professor Vice Chair of Academic Affairs Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on insect flight mechanics and behavior in natural environments. sacombes@ucdavis.edu Lab website 155A Hutchison Hall
Gabrielle A. Nevitt Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on sensory ecology and animal behavior. (530) 752-5929 ganevitt@ucdavis.edu Lab website 1131 Green Hall
Karen Ryan Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on neural circuits controlling energy balance and metabolism. (530) 752-0642 kkryan@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar 1133 Green Hall
Charles A. Fuller Professor Emeritus Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on circadian rhythms and sleep regulation in mammals. (530) 752-2979 cafuller@ucdavis.edu 177 Briggs Hall
Thomas P. Hahn Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on the evolutionary physiology and behavior of birds. (530) 752-8531 tphahn@ucdavis.edu 102 Animal Communication Lab