Xiaomo Chen Assistant Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Center for Neuroscience Research focuses on neural circuits and mechanisms underlying sensory processing and behavior. xmch@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar
Fumika Hamada Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on the molecular and neural mechanisms of circadian rhythms, sleep, and temperature homeostasis. (530) 754-1782 fnhamada@ucdavis.edu Lab website 280A Briggs Hall
Lee M. Miller Professor Vice Chair of Academic Affairs Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Center for Mind and Brain Research focuses on speech neuroengineering and cybernetics. (530) 754-4574 leemiller@ucdavis.edu Lab website 267 Cousteau Place
Jochen Ditterich Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Center for Neuroscience Research focuses on the neural mechanisms underlying decision-making processes. (530) 754-5084 (530) 754-6987 jditterich@ucdavis.edu Center for Neuroscience
William DeBello Associate Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Center for Neuroscience Research focuses on auditory processing and neural circuits involved in spatial hearing. (530) 754-7165 wmdebello@ucdavis.edu Center for Neuroscience
Stacey A. Combes Professor Vice Chair of Academic Affairs Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on insect flight mechanics and behavior in natural environments. sacombes@ucdavis.edu Lab website 155A Hutchison Hall
W. Martin Usrey Professor and Chair Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Center for Neuroscience Neurology Research focuses on the physiology of vision and spatial attention. (530) 754-5468 wmusrey@ucdavis.edu Brain Maps Lab website 196 Briggs Hall
Mitchell Sutter Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Center for Neuroscience Research focuses on neural mechanisms of auditory perception. (530) 754-5078 mlsutter@ucdavis.edu Center for Neuroscience
Gregg Recanzone Professor Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Center for Neuroscience Research focuses on sensory processing and perception in the brain. (530) 754-5086 ghrecanzone@ucdavis.edu Center for Neuroscience
Earl Carstens Distinguished Professor Emeritus Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Research focuses on neural mechanisms of itch, pain, and sensory irritation. (530) 752-7767 eecarstens@ucdavis.edu